How to actually map the controller?
I have been trying to publish my app for FireTV (as everyone else right now I assume), but my app just got rejected because "Core functionality is impaired due to a lack of controller support" (Amazon words).
I have never tried to make games with controller support before, and I searched through the forum for the basic tutorial but I could not find one. Can someone guide me on how to actually map the controller?
This is what I have done in the app that got rejected earlier.
- I edited the text column in the Player 1 controller in Game.Player 1Keymap for the buttons that I need to use (for example for Button A, I put "buttonA".
- In order for player to start the game, I put a little text on the very first scene that says "Press Select to Start Game", (since button SELECT on FireTV represents Button A in GS).
- Rejected.
I have attached several pictures under here to make it clearer.
As you can see, I did not make any changes to Devices.Players.Player1. Is this why it did not work? Or do I need to actually HAVE a FireTV to make it works?
Thanks in advance.
@BBEnk Ahhhh..I see..I have understood it wrongly.
Thank you so much!!