Gamesalad 13.6 having worse Performance as before
Is it just me or is the performance of the creator worse than before the last update.
Using Yosemite 10.10.2 ( the newest)
GS Creator 13.6
The loading time switching between actors and scenes goes crazy sometimes I have to wait up to 2 minutes to switch from actor to previous scene. The performance goes down each time I save the project.
So it might be related to saving.
You're not the only one. Check out my post here:
I auto-save every 3 minutes, so if it is related to saving it might partly explain why I'm having such horrendous issues with it.
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As Armelline said, Creator is in fairly bad shape atm. It was decent in 12.20 in my experience too but 13.6 is just bad.
It was definitely better in 12.20, but the problems started a long time before that.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Yeah same. Its all rather depressing lol.
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yes the same...
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have faith, it will be fixed! in the mean time, save and restart as needed. It's a pain, but you can still work with it.
it was bad
it got really bad
it got better
now its bad again
but it will get better
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Yup.. your definitely not the only one experiencing it Dave...
Im running the latest stable release on Mavericks.... and its shockingly bad, compared to previous versions.
On a relatively small and simple project its slowing down after only a few minutes, and the spinning beach ball popping up so much (and for lengthy periods) is killing productivity...
Same as me.
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Lets hope for a quick update comparable to how 12.20 ran since it was 100 times better.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
12.2 was actually worse for me. But they both aren't optimal. Looks like @BlackCloakGS dropped some info here
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