How to Delay GS Until Choice is Made
Heres my notes ...Question and video at the bottom.
My question is whats the best way to have GS wait until the user chooses before starting the proper animation. I mean if the user is trying to choose three boxes by the time he's touching the third box the first and second animations are all ready playing. I could put a button at the bottom that the user could push after making his choice. But I would rather not.
Iv'e tried putting timers on both the boxes and the snakes. Is this something that Tables (I know very little about) would be good for? Theres a video link below of an earlier version . I would like to add more boxes in the future...
It sounds like you want to run an animation only after a certain number of boxes are chosen. How do you intend for the player to signify that she is done choosing if there's no button to press?
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Well rather than telling them what to do, I thought that it would be cooler if the user could just touch say (one box) and then the snake would jump up. And then they would be like "wow , what happens if I pick two boxes" , "oh, and if I choose 3 boxes"... and they could keep selecting different combinations ...let them do it...
I would have to set it up so they would have only a certain time to make their choice in.
So say if they select one box and they don't touch another box within 5 seconds , that would be their choice and the one box animation would play. But if they touched another box within that 5 secs making a total of two chosen then the two box animation would play. The time would be pushed out another 5 seconds after the last selection is made . So that the right animation would play depending on how many boxes they choose inside of the 5 secs. after their last selection. Does that make sense?
I've got "Tinypic" setup for posting images and vids. but how would I get a project file up? That may help...
That's right. I wasn't sure if that's what you wanted. In the box actor, you'd need a lone behavior to change attribute game.boxTimeStamp to game.Time and a rule that says When Touch is Pressed, change attribute game.boxTimeStamp to game.Time. And then another rule that says When attribute game.Time > game.boxTimeStamp+5, [start animation].
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Wow, Thanks I will dig into this!
You're welcome. I forgot to mention that game.boxTimeStamp should be a real type attribute.
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