How to make another actor move to the other direction of another actor?
Just like the title says, How to make another actor move to the other direction of another actor?
I want my background to move to the opposite direction of the Actor and also make it move in a set percentage (say 10 percent) of the actor's speed, for example, if the Actor move toward the direction of 127 degrees at 130, I want the background to move exactly the opposite direction or angle at speed of 13.
Thanks A Lot!
Best Answer
nickname5862 Posts: 51
Is this the kind of thing you're looking for?
I just tried something in ten minutes or what, so if you have any questions, just ask me!!
I assume you want this so that it looks like the actor is actually moving above the background. Like a plane moving in the sky. Is that right? If it is then you can just create a large background, fix the camera to the actor and move the actor and it will produce the same result.
If not, then you can create real attributes for the speed and angle that the actor is moving (for example actorSpeed and actorAngle).
Then in the formula box for the backgrounds movement, you can make it move at actorSpeed*0.10 (for 10 percent) at an angle of actorAngle-180
Hopefully this is what you mean.
The last one is what i'm looking for and what I need, is there a way you can explain it a little bit more to a noob like me? I mean show an example of the code, at least show me the way, thanks.
Exactly what I asked and looked for, this is awesome, thanks a lot for the help! Really appreciate it.
no thanks bro!!