Make arrow stick in the ground?
Hey guys. So my 'Apple Shooter' template is coming along nicely, and hope to have it finished quite soon. Im just trying to figure out how to make the arrow stick in the wall/floor/enemy at the exact angle and position it was in when it collided with the actor. I've managed to get the arrow to stop, but then it just tilts and falls flat. Any ideas? Cheers
Well you've basically said it yourself. You want to get its angle, and its X and Y position.
These can be real number attribute made in the arrow actor itself , if you want to fire multiple arrows.
Now if you are trying to give it a 3D effect. Then you can't strictly base it on collision
@joshiwu ah ok i think im with you, gimme a sec while i try it.
If colliding with tree And self position Y is >= the apples Yvposition
@joshiwu Thanks for your input, in the end i just cranked up the drag and angular drag on the arrow to like 1000, seemed to sort it all out.
Lol, if it works , it works, but that relies on a graphical collision