Development best practices

cgalianocgaliano Member, PRO Posts: 21

How do you guys handle the need for different versions for a typical development lifecycle, so you create a stable "production" environment while still being able to keep enhancing your objects in your development instance? how do you promote code from DEV to PROD, do you have a completely separate set of folders and if so can you just move one actor for example from one to the other?


  • jigglybeanjigglybean Member Posts: 1,584

    I label everything as different versions.

    So an example would be

    GP(Google Play) V1
    GP V1.2
    GP V1.3

    AMA(Amazon) V1

    Reason why, is that 2 years ago I made an update to a word game, which was doing ok. However, when I made the changes, no one downloaded it any more and I saw retention drop like a stone. So I reverted back to the previous version as a new update and the downloads increased again.

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  • cgalianocgaliano Member, PRO Posts: 21

    Thanks @jigglybean but I wasnt talking about versions of apps already published. I mean that, during the development process of a new game, you will want to try out a few scenes that are kind of ready, but you will surely have a lot of other stuff you are still not ready to even publish for a test. How do you keep those 2 environments separated, as there seems to be no way to publish only one actor or scene to the TEST environment but rather you always have to publish the entire game?

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    I'm not sure there IS a good answer for this. I do that sort of testing in a separate scene and/or by giving actors rule conditions that change their behavior (e.g. When game.whichVersion=1 --> [set of rules and behaviors]).

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