Where to make/post/send small recommendation to GS team concerning scene editor?
Hello -
Where can I make, post or send a small recommendation concerning GameSalad's scene editor? Thanks, regards.
Hello -
Where can I make, post or send a small recommendation concerning GameSalad's scene editor? Thanks, regards.
I'm not 100% sure but I think the bug database is for Pro users only (?), this is where you would normally post reports of bugs or requests for features / improvements - but you could just post your recommendations on the forums and see if it attracts any support from users ? Most of the obvious improvements to Creator have been suggested many many times already.
Thanks, @Socks. If @CodeWizard or anyone on the dev team reads this, it's a simple suggestion, really.
When you are in the scene editor, specifically in the Attributes tab (Actors/Attributes/Devices), it would be nice if you could move attributes up or down the list. For example, if I created a "green monster actor" and I created all of its attributes except for one, then moved on to the "red monster actor" attributes and remembered to create the last attribute for the green monster actor, instead of creating the last green monster actor attribute and leaving it down at the end of the list (after the read monster actor), I'd like to move it up to where all the green monster actor attributes are.
Thanks, regards.
My Blog / App Store / Google Play
Yep, a useful idea, it's been asked for many times before. I'm pretty sure DBApps has a tool that allows you to do this - and I'd guess you could also manually edit the HTML file to reorder your attributes.
Nice! Back door approach, but nice.
My Blog / App Store / Google Play
For re-ordering attributes, I tried the DBA tool. Unfortunately, it only seemed to support game attributes, which made it only vaguely useful for me. I grabbed a tool on the Mac App Store called XML Notepad (I think it was that one) that let me re-order any XML I wanted. I think it was 99c or something. It's far from perfect, but did what I needed it to do.
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I put in a feature request this past week to request that all game attribute lists be sortable by name and type
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