How to add sound files? o_O

Hi. ^__^ I'm relatively new to GameSalad... since I just started using it today... and I have been trying to add a song I created in Garage Band from my iTunes library (I imported it into my library in AAC format,) but now I don't know how to include it in my first scene. o_o" I've tried dragging and dropping it under the "Play Music" behavior, but that doesn't seem to do anything, and the only option under Play Music is "Resume Current Music," but there is no music to resume. xD Help?
I need to update some of those images.
Yes under the Behaviors tab, you have "Play Sound" and "Play Music". dragging those onto your Actors will get you what you need. However if you use the wrong audio format in these you'll get a game that doesn't work or worse still, the entire game will crash and burn (I learned the hard way lol).
For music I use an M4a file (which I believe is pretty well the same thing as an AAC), so I drop that into the "Play Music" behavior.
For sound effects I use the "Play Sound" behavior and drop OGG files into there.
You probably know this but you can decide between stereo and mono and even use a lower sampling rate when preparing your files outside of Gamesalad. Often people will use stereo for music and mono for sound effects.
I do wish this was properly and throughly documented on the Wiki as sound should not be a red-headed step child of an afterthought. In fact I'll go one further and suggest that tasks such as volume sliders should also be "drag and drop" as Gamesalad continues to sell the software based upon "no programming" and "just drag and drop" which in reality is only for me about 75% true.
The day when I can drag and drop from a long list for formulas to perform basic tasks, instead of having to bug the living daylights out of kind forum people will truly be my Independence Day
Happy Birthday America!
Now blow out the candles and make a wish