How do I get my buttons to move with my hero character?
I've read a few threads on this topic, but I can't seem to get it to work for me. I'm struggling to get my buttons to show when I run the preview. I've tried putting them on the HUD layer and setting to unscrollable, but to no avail so far. THey just seem to disappear...
Help please? Thank you!
There's something going on with your camera settings. I'm not exactly sure what it is but I determined that if you move your button actors to the bottom-left of the scene (e.g. x=200, y=200) they show up.
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Thanks Tatiang! I'm not sure why the camera settings are making it act weird, but I appreciate the hack. Cheers!
If an actor is not scrollable then the 'position' of the actor, seen when you double click the actor, is set to that position always. Class the bottom left of the scene as the corner of your phone screen, 100 px up is 100px on the screen. It's no hack