"This application is not recognized by Game Center"
Member, PRO Posts: 86
I have "Sandbox" checked in Game Center settings, but it says my app is not recognized by Game Center yet still says I am logged in. But I cannot see leaderboards. Anyone else having this issue? Thanks.
its a lien pop up. it will work in the live version. atleast it did on my apps.
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nice sparkles
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Thanks for responding Big Dave. hmm, I wanted to check the leaderboards and IAP purchase before going live. If its broken on adhoc, I can't really test it. Kind of a bummer.
Anyone else having issues with Game Center or just me?
@KC_Games: I had this same dialogue pop up on my game during Ad Hoc/TestFlight Testing. What you you should do about it? Nothing. Your game is not recognized because you haven't submitted to the App Store through iTunes Connect yet. Sandbox leaderboards should be completely functional.
ok, thanks for responding @petercampanelli. Maybe I'll just upload a beta build and test via testflight. I want to make sure its working before publishing.
FYI, I was able to fix this issue. The problem was that I had a duplicate certificate which I deleted in the Keychain Access app. Rebooted Xcode and my computer and it logged me into into Sandbox Game Center with no problems.