Capturing Game Play data separately on a file

fafa Member Posts: 4
edited March 2015 in Working with GS (PC)

Posting this again:

Is there a way to capture game play data on a table.

For example the game requires to 'click' on a series of actors and also requires them to enter certain 'names'.

What I need is that as the player keeps entering the 'names' and keeps 'clicking', a table should be generated (maybe a .csv file) which shows the 'order' of clicking and the 'names' entered by the player.

Let me elaborate the problem further.

I am attaching a test project. ( )

There are two actors - a 'left' box and a 'right' box.
The 'left' box (when clicked) displays the cell value in Table-1 (last row, first column).
The 'right' box (when clicked) displays the default attribute value of the Game Attribute called 'Login'.
This attribute can be changed using 'Keyboard Input'.

Moreover, when the 'right' box is clicked, it:

  • adds a 'Row' at the end of Table-1
  • changes the Cell Value of Table-1 to the newly entered value of the attribute called 'Login'
  • saves Table-1

Which means that if I enter different values 5 times by clicking on the 'right' box, then I would be adding 5 rows to the Table-1, with 5 different values

All I want is to get this 'Final Table' (if possible separately in .csv format) to study the game play pattern.

**The table should be separate from the game - maybe stored on the local device and/ or maybe sent to another desktop via internet.
Can someone help me with that?

Prompt response will be appreciated.

Note: I am a total novice to GS.


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