Display Text Bug?
Ok, I want to get you all's opinion on this. If, when in the "Display Text" behavior, you have the position of text set to...
up and down = 0
side to side = 0
Both relative to actor,
Wrap inside actor is checked to yes
then shouldn't the text be in the center of the actor? Instead, it's always displayed at the top of the actor. Wouldn't this be considered as a bug?
those values in the Display Text are offsets. With wrap inside, it will fill in the rectangle that makes up your actor starting in the upper left corner. if you change those offsets in your case, it would be as if the rectangle that makes up your actor is shifted at those values.
Not necessarily, the wrap inside function essentially turns the actor into a text box, and like all other instances of an area where text is entered (a text editor, an email client, a word processor . . . etc) the text starts at the top of the box and flows downwards.
Dang! Ok, thanks for the feedback guys.