Change image on touch --> touch again and change image to original

kreso123456kreso123456 Member Posts: 16
edited March 2015 in Working with GS (PC)

Hi all!

Please help me!

I have one actor and I want him to change image on touch. I have 2 images (one is white, second is yelow)
Original image is white and when touched it changes to yelow image.

And now i want to touch again to change it back to original white image.
How to do that??


Best Answers


  • kreso123456kreso123456 Member Posts: 16
    edited March 2015

    I am kinda new to the gamesalad, so if you could be more detailed.

    "create a local attribute on the actor" - how to create local atribute?

    Thank you on yore time!! :smiley:

  • kreso123456kreso123456 Member Posts: 16

    do i need to create integer or boolean or what?

  • kreso123456kreso123456 Member Posts: 16

    I figured it out! Thank you very much!

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