Thought For my App So It Can Be Played On Fire TV
Hey guys,
So I had a thought and I am sure it is possible but I have a game and you select things in the game. If I were to publish to be played on the computer you have the mouse that you can use to select. Would that be possible to basically make a cursor or something along those lines that would be controlled with a joystick and when you hover over the object you want to select you would press a button and it would then select it.
yes it would be possible, just have the actor move at a vector to angle of the left stick X /Y values, you can even use magnitude of those values to control speed
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Thanks @jonmulcahy,
Will try a few things out.
One last question, Is iPad landscape the recommended platform to use for Fire TV?
@KillerPenguinStudios I used 720p HD - seems to work well.
iOS Apps/Games: Factoids | SkyGunner | TriSideX
720p is a good project
Remember you are targeting tvs, so any 16:9 project will look good. A 1920/1080 project would look best on a 1080p hdtv, so that's probably the best project if starting fresh
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