How can I fix a Mouse X,Y location that leaves a footprint problem?

Dell7730Dell7730 Member, PRO Posts: 388
edited March 2015 in Community Tutorials

I have this rule that when my Mouse is over the actor, it reacts in which ever way I want it to be.
So, when I clicked on a different area for any reason and once the said actor walks over that last mouse point, it triggers.
Here's how I tried to fix it, I tried both X,Y Constrain and Change Attribute for the mouse location to be at 2000 on both X and Y when either or both are met (Mouse is UP or Touch is Released).

This happens mostly when a swipe move has been made.

Best Answer

  • tatiangtatiang Posts: 11,949
    Accepted Answer

    @hasanain2000 There's no need to post if you have "no idea." It's kind of like at my work when someone emails all 60 employees to ask "Does anyone have a clipboard I can borrow?" and several people respond with "no, sorry." It's polite but unnecessary.

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