how do i do that 'emit rings where touched' animation?
Hey guys, So in my next game i want to play around more with graphics and animation. Specifically right now, id like to make that animation where when you tap the screen, a few rings emit from where you touched the screen, and fade out as the move away, do you know which one i mean?if i find a game that uses it ill link it. Was wondering what i would have to do to make this, both with the graphics in Photoshop/Illustrator and the coding itself in GS. Thanks!
One way is to make a ring actor:
--Animate (small ring to a big ring of images, however many you want)
--When self.Time is 0.5 (or however long you want the life to be)
-Destroy actor
In a separate actor that's on the screen:
--When mouse button is down
-Spawn (the ring actor) at Device.Mouse.Position.X and Device.Mouse.Position.Y. and relative to scene.
This way, when you touch the screen it spawns the ring actor where you touch. You may have to play with the animate speed to match your actor's life time before being destroyed. And if you wanted to have it fade, just put an Interpolate self.Color.Alpha to 0 for however time of life you want.
@AJaymz hey thanks mate, did exactly what you said, worked a treat
(instead of animating though i just interpolated the rings size, give it that natural expanding effect).