Multiplayer Help Please.
Does anyone have good knowledge of multiplayer with gamesalad? I really need help making what i would think to be a simple game. (Rock, Paper, Scissors) I dont know how to set up turns, into tables, Basically just want to know how to set up "if player picks rock" and the other persons turn picks "paper" then the rock loses. How to keep track of players wins and losses, and allow the person to play multiple people at onces. I dont know how to set any multiplayer rules up. Please anyone with good knowledge of gamesalad, tables, and multiplayer send me a PM, or comment here.
Personally, I would hold fire. The next update of GS - 0.14 will/should feature some multiplayer love as the company recently purchased'Play together' that works in this arena.
Check the sticky from Forum Ninja. I think you can test it out in the Nightly builds of GS but its not for publishing yet.
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as far as I know no one has actually published a true multiplayer game yet. Most people, including the tutorial makes, are waiting for the playstogether integration which is coming in .14.
I wrote a tutorial a year ago about using your own server for network communication, which is the backbone of any multiplayer system, but it is an advanced topic and requires you to know how to write code:
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Okay...ill wait. I appreciate the answers. I guess i got ahead of myself seeing the multiplayer video on youtube....i thought that the ability for this type of game was possible.
well, if you build your own server it totally is. but your basically building a multiplayer system from scratch, which is not a trivial task.
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I noticed the major bug I reported for multiplayer has been switched to resolved. This should facilitate moving forward with multiplayer.
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You can always make a multiplayer on one device though.
Will there be servers in the future that gamesalad allows us to use for our games? I know nothing about building a server, in fact i cannt even make this game which seems like it would be really easy lol. I can set up the rules for on one device and I got it working for people who play that way, but this type of game needs people to be using different phones..after watching the video from the_gamesalad_guru, i realize my logic is completely wrong for a multiplayer game on separate devices
this is the service they will be using, they bought them last year:
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