Google Play listing help needed.
Hi guys,
I'm still trying to work out how to achieve this text in a green box thing on my Google Play app listing. I like it, I think it looks really professional. Searched on the internet and HTML forums but no joy. Any pointers anyone I'm at a complete dead end with this???
I think it comes when you update your app
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@jigglybean I've just updated my box.
All of the text in the green box comes from the release notes when you submit an update. Updating without entering an update summary will not show the box.
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@Braydon_SFX I wondered that but then I noticed the box appears at different positions on different app listings. Sometimes it is at the top and sometimes at the bottom and I've even seen it in the middle of an app description.
I will certainly try populating the release notes box next time I update my app and see what it does. Thanks for the response.