how to organize images and actors???

I'm working on some titles (someone just to study gs) but I'm really upset because I'cant organize actors and images. when I have some hundreds png (4 animations) it's realy hard find the right one and the same for the actors.
and more, is it possible to divide actors for scenes ???
thanks and keep up the good work
and more, is it possible to divide actors for scenes ???
thanks and keep up the good work
I think on the priority of wants by users, that's not at the top of the list at the moment.
Nesen Probe
Tickle Stones
Food Fight! (free)
As far as I know there isn't a way to sort actor prototypes by scene although you can display the actor instances in the scenes. To do this, enter a scene, in the inspector click 'Scene' and by default it should have the layers tab selected. Click the arrow on each layer for it to drop down and display a list of all the actor instances used in the scene.
As for images I don't think that you can organise them into tags or groups at all. Someone may correct me though.