Spawn actors to fill Y axis...
I'm trying to find a way to spawn actors all along one side of another actor. I have wall and want it to be covered by weeds, for example, all along right side of the wall and from the top to the bottom of the Y axis.
What I have now is:
Wall actor spawns weed actor with a position of self.Position.X+25 (the +25 places the weed actor to the right of the wall actor) and random(1024,0) for the Y. That works but only spawns one weed actor. What I want is to spawn X number of weed actors along the wall randomly.
Make sense? I'll keep plugging away, but if anyone has an idea it would be most welcome.
In the wall actor, make an integer attribute 'A'
Rule when A < 20
--Timer every 0 seconds
----Spawn weed X=25 / Y=random (0,1024)
----Change A to A +1
Thanks, Socks. I'll give this a go.