How do I install test app on iPhone using PC?
I already have the MobileProvision file.
I already have the zip files of the app generated by Gamesalad.
So now, what's next?
Best Answer
Kungvald Posts: 31
You can build .ipa on pc and try it out on a ios device, if the device is jailbroken. Let me know if you would like to know how to do it.
You need an ipa or app file to summit get it on an iPhone.
so what's the zip file generated by gamesalad then?
That is for the App Store. Are you generating apps with pc
yeah, with pc
I don't think (as far as I known) you can make iOS apps on a Pc. There may be work arounds. But you can make iOS apps on Mac
I hope there are or is a workaround
You can create the app in the PC version but to publish to the Apple Store or to test on an Apple Device you need access to a Macintosh Computer to deal with the Apple Store requirements. Some PC users use Macincloud I believe. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
I am a little rusty with pc.
Thanks to both of you, I'll just borrow my ex-gf's laptop then, i hope she's not mad at me anymore, lol
how do you do it?
When you publish to, just go to the "IOS Univerals" fill the information they whant you to fill and then build to iOS.
i hope you understand how to do it, my english is not the best.
I understand perfectly, let me try that and i'll let you know what happens