Linear velocity?: is there a specific direction?

stefdelecstefdelec Member, PRO Posts: 146


For example I have a ball which goes up a down, I want this ball to always go more than speed "a" (a number). Can I create this rule:

if attribute linear velocity Y < "a" => change attribute linear velocity to "a"?




  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    Yes, you can. Have you tried it?

    You could also constrain linear velocity Y to max("a",linear velocity Y) which will always pick the larger of the two values.

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  • stefdelecstefdelec Member, PRO Posts: 146

    Yes, I ve tried. But it doesn't answer properly. Don't really know why. Thanks for the answer, and thanks for the suggestion with "constrain".

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