Rotating part of an Animation Sequence
Sorry, basic question here. I have this little actor that uses motion.linear.velocity to animate while moving to a mouse click. (See link to video at bottom if possible.) What I have, works ok. But I would like to attempt to finesse it a little.
Question _ I would like to rotate the (Flying) animation towards the mouse click so that it looks as though the actor were flying towards the mouse clicked position.
Right now if the angle of the click is obtuse enough it looks acceptable but if it is more acute it looks as though the actor is doing a belly flop rather than flying towards the target. I have tried using rotate towards, but then once the actor stops (goes back to idle), he is exactly that, standing in a rotated position, and the more you click the crazier it gets.
If you could point me in the direction of a good write up (more in depth than cookbook ) here on the forums, on using motion linear velocity for animation I could use that. Thanks
I'm not sure what the question is ?
Do you want an actor to rotate towards the mouse click position ?
Yeah, I have images of the actor standing idle. When mouse is down theres an image of him crouching. On mouse up the (actor moves towards mouse click) with images of him flying. I would like to have those images (of him flying) be rotated towards the mouse click and those images only. So that it looks like he is flying toward the target (mouse click). And once arriving at his destination he is once again standing idle on his feet in the upright position. Rinse and repeat.
I should add that the flying image is positioned right or left , heres a pic...
So I just want to rotate the flying images.