3 Simple Questions
If I want to ad Interstitial Ads in a single scene game, what would be the best way to go about it. I was thinking something like . (If game over is true_Pause game and show ad) (and then on the pause scene have an actor that instantly unpauses) Can anyone confirm if this will work?
Which Interstitial Ads are best, Chartboost, Playhaven,or Rev Mob?
Which Interstitial Ads does gamesalad use in your app if you're not pro?
I really appreciate the help. Thanks!
This should work.
This varies, but as far as I know Chartboost has been pretty reliable recently. I will probably be corrected, though! Admob is coming soon and is supposed to be the best.
They use their own ads, you don't get any cut from it. It's part of how they fund the free accounts.
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Awesome, Thank you so much! @Armelline
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Chartist does cause a lot of crashing though. A lot on older devices. My friends have to turn wifi off so they don't have to deal with the ads causing crashes.
I'll keep that in mind. Thanks! @MoneyBags
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