Chartboost Video has someone tried it?
I wonder if someone already tried Chartboost Video Interstitals or/and rewarded videos as far its possible with gamesalad?
I wonder if someone already tried Chartboost Video Interstitals or/and rewarded videos as far its possible with gamesalad?
@BigDave Yup, they work.
The Video Interstitials are straightforward.
The rewarded option is trickier and needs a backend server to do properly. You need to check that the user is connected to the internet and (try to) make sure the video was completed.
tested "interstital video" works perfectly!
Does not let the player skip it unless he/ she already has seen the specific video.
You only have to add the campaign type static interstitial to interstitial video.
This was the option given by another indie dev.
"You could consider showing video ads or rewarded videos. With Chartboost it seems to be about $0.01 to $0.1 per completed view. I think that video ads work better than interstitial ads if the players are engaged with the game - as the player doesn't want to install a new game and they may be willing to watch a video to continue on yours. Assume on the 6300 new installs on average they watch 2 videos each over the lifetime of their time as players and you're rewarded $0.02 per view that would be $252 whereas I'm guessing with 41 installs you got about $100? I'm assuming a lot there and obviously video ads are a lot more annoying than static ads, so this might damage your game's rating. Could be worth thinking about?"
Side Info: the 6000 installs gave me 145 $ chartboost interstitial pop ups +
60 $ iAd banners + 28 $ in-app
within 1-2 days
and around 35 $ of it each day over the next 5 days
So video might be much better if you have engaged users, I gonna try it for a week on my top performing app.
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now installing your game analytics solution!
curious man!
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Can we use them both on same game? interstitial and video ads.
sometimes, interstitial ads are more appropriate than video ads, sometimes doesn't.
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yeah i think we do not have control over that. Once you have an video interstitial campaign on it competes with your other campaigns.
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@BigDave the analytics integration looks promising! however, I cant find the network behavior anymore in gamesalad, this was available in the stable build right?
@Approw you have to hit under project info
multiplayer and change it to my own server
than you get the network behaviors
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Thanks @BigDave !! I never played with it so I guess thats why haha.
Thanks @BigDave!
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You were able to get interstitial video to work with or without a server? I would like to do a mechanic like Tap Titan where it's worthwhile for the player to watch a video and get in game currency.
@BaDDApple Interstital Videos are NOT rewarded videos. Rewarding the player for watching interstitial ads is NOT allowed.
You can use interstitial videos instead of the static pop up without server, just a campaign switch on the chartboost page.
For rewarded video you could maybe select the right campaign type and give them the reward after a couple of seconds or just on completion through game salad self but you will not have the chartboost check and reward system, for that we would need a game salad feature.
I currently do use interstitials, since its more likely to convert an install and its more annoying and helpfully gets them to buy the in-app to remove the ads.
Hope that helps Bro!
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