Certs, profiles, signing, a big mess
I'm having major issues understanding the keys, certs, signing, distribution, dev, etc. I read all the apple documentation but it still doesn't help much.
When trying to publish a new game, I got an "invalid provisioning profile" error from application loader.
So I go to look at them, and they're all valid. I chose the one that says "active". Ok maybe I need a new one, so I make a new distribution profile and install it, choose it the next time and now I get a code-signing "error #1" from GS code-signer.
In my keychain access are a BUNCH of dev/dist keys (I used to have a personal dev account and migrated it to a company name). Also I have duplicate iOS certificates in my developer account (1 in my old personal name and 2 identical looking ones in my new business name).
I would like to wipe the slate clean and start over with all this and try to learn it/understand. Can anyone suggest a safe/sane way to wipe it all clean and start over with only what I need? Would it be ok to revoke and/or delete EVERYTHING and regenerate only what I need?
i did this once. it worked out. I erased all on iOS Devcenter. Certificate / app ids / provisionings
I had to create the certificate new (all old provisioning get invalid)
1.Create fresh certificate
2.fresh App Ids (fitting to the bundle ID on iTunes)
3.fresh adhoc and store provisioning for each app
4. install provisionigs
bäm it worked all again.
My Apps
Thanks @BigDave , Do you think erasing App ID's really did anything? They aren't connected intrinsically to any certs are they?