Collide is working. Just needed to replace the stones with new ones
Well, I am sick of trying to fix this. Collide isn't working. The actors are on the same layer(I don't think that matters though), I have tried actor of type and actor with tag, and nothing works. Help me resolve this issue please. Huh
Hey @jdlcrater ,
Could you post a screen shot of the rules you are using?
@Chr0nos Sure. Here they are
So now he will bounce, but he won't move. What in the world?!
Your opinion please. I can't download the old file off of my portfolio
, I can't fix this(because I've tried everything
), and it deleted itself a week ago leaving me with almost nothing
. Should I just work on a new game?
Sure, you could do that if it seems like the best option. I back up my files constantly because I'm paranoid about losing them. And not just one file... I make version files (FlappyBird 1, FlappyBird 2, FlappyBird 3, etc.) so that by the time I'm done with an app I have hundreds of separate files and can restore them at any point if needed.
As far as your other questions go, it seems like you're ready to give up but in the future if you did want help, you need to explain things in greater detail. It would be important to know which layers the actors in question are on, whether this is an issue with just one actor or every actor, just this project file or every project file you've tried it on, what you expect to happen when the actors collide ("Collide isn't working" doesn't tell us much) and what actually happens, etc.
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@tatiang Thanks. I was just angry last night. The soldier that is supposed to collide with the ground doesn't. I will open the level up and it just falls through. I checked if he is on the right layer. He is. I made sure that his density and bounciness are above 0. I don't think that should matter though. I got him to stop falling when I use 'actor of type' instead of 'actor with tag'. But when I use actor of type, he won't move when I use the controls. And yes, the stone ground is in the 'Ground' tag which I was using with "collide with or overlaps with 'actor with tag':'Ground' "
@tatiang How would I download the old file off the profile? I know 'DOWNLOAD' button. But I don't get the .gsproj when I do.
Nevermind. Thanks for the help. It just needed a long sleep.