What is Chartboost Interstitial Add Display Rate ?
Hi everyone !
Quick questions
how often will Chartboost display there Interstitial Adds between scene changes in my game ? Will they show up consistently every time (lets say great internet and fill rate just for the example) the scene changes in the game when i chose the "show ads option" during scene change ? If so, must I create a rule to only use a change scene behaviour that allows the ads to be displayed only after a certain amount of played games to not spam the user ? Is this something I can tweet in Chartboost ?
How do you use Chartboost in your games ?
Thank you for reading
i got timers in. else you show it to them everytime = anyoing
My Apps
Great! Thanks @BigDave
@BigDave how do you do it, with game time?
Homepage: freneticgamez.eu/
-Create a new scene. Let´s call it Ads.
-Create a new actor, and put an "Unpause Game" behavior in it.
-Put the actor on the new scene.
Now if during gameplay if you want to show an ad every 2 minutes, just make a timer in an actor that would be in that scene..
-Every 120 seconds
-Pause Game (scene: Ads, with "enable advertisement" checked.)
The game will pause and show an ad, and then unpause right after closing the ad.
Mental Donkey Games
Website - Facebook - Twitter
@NipaDidIt Thanks
Homepage: freneticgamez.eu/
@NipaDidIt OMGGGGGGGG i did not know that you can trigger it with pause i was always reseting the screens...ommmg.. thanks man
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Really? I actually thought that´s the way you do it in your games. I had no idea you are resetting the scene.
Mental Donkey Games
Website - Facebook - Twitter
testing that in the update after this one to be sure it works first, thanks
My Apps
Hi guys,
I had the same question as @FuzzBuzz
There is a option in Chartboost called Impression Cooldown.
You can set a minimum of x minutes between interstitials.
Go to App Settings > Basic Settings > Advanced Settings and then on the bottom right you can set the impression cooldown.