making A Quiz with multiple choices (pictures)
hey guys.. I'm making A Multiple Choice Question Quiz
but the choices are not texts, my choices are pictures, i din't know how to do it ..
i did multiple choice questions with multiple texts choices, it was easy but i couldn't do it with pictures
anyone can help, please
Images are just attributes with text values. So if you set it up with multiple text choices, just change the value of self.Image each time you need to change an image.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
Make an attribute that holds the value of the picture that was tapped. Make rules that assign a certain value to the attribute indicating which picture was tapped. You could also use a table with this rule set in order to check if the current picture was the correct picture of the choices. | Free Stuff
thank you.. I will try it!
i couldn't do it, can you give me an example please, cause i'm a beginner this is my first time making a game > @tatiang said:
How did you do it with text? If you explain we might be able to help you adapt it to images.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
Are you wanting them to touch the picture for the right answer? If so I know how to do that, thats what I did in my app. "cookie moron test" here is the android and apple link check it out, and let me know if this is what you mean. (for Ios) (android)
i did the text in table..
YES!! it's similar to your game
Look at game salad's top notch trivia template
I just made an actor called "next scene" made it invisible and covered the correct answer with the box. Made a rule "if touch is pressed" "change to next scene". Then I did the same thing for the loss screen. "if touch is pressed" "change to loss scene" and covered the wrong item with that invisible actor. So if they touch it, then they lose. Hope this helps.