GameSalad - App support for multiple iDevices?
When i open GameSalad i use "New Blank Project". And then afterwards i have option to choose between different "Platforms" and i can use "Resolution Independence".
If i want my game to be working good on iPad, iPod , iPhone 6, and iPhone 5 and such, what do i have to choose?
You can check out my thread below using iPad build for all devices.
I see you made for Landscape only.. I want my game to be in Portrait ONLY, not Landscape.
@ErikAuranaune It will work with portrait with just one minor change, I just posted a new video showing portrait with project you can check out.
Yes, i see now your post:
But the problem here is if the user use a ex. iPad in Portrait, the images will go further up, and now stick in the same spot. That will mess up the whole game..
I'm not sure what your saying there. moving the score/pause up just keeps them in the relative positions based on device not sure how that would mess up a game.
You might also check out Overscan.
You can always just use stretch to fit all devices but I think that can look bad. If you use Overscan you need to move images most likely. see Colanders thread above on that.
It takes extra work to make things look just right on all devices.
I saw you uploaded the "How To" 1-2 hours ago. Nice work on that one, really thanks!
I only have a question..
If i want the "cars" to spawn only 2 locations. Right side, and left side of the road, how can i do that, but make them spawn random right side and left side?
Simple random rule, this is not spawning but if you spawned you could use same rule type to pick a side each time.
Hm, i don´t think you understood my question.. I want the cars to spawn in only two location. Middel of the half left side, and in the middle of the right side.
And then i wan´t them to spawn at random right and left.
In the car rule just change the random rule to 192 and the other to 576 like so.
In some ways it is much the same as Stretch. The added benefit is extra code in the HUD actors to reposition them and change their size. This means you can have a busy HUD with a lot of actors in many position then shift and resize them for other devices. You only do this on the platform you create the game in and it will automatically move and resize them on the other devices depending on what settings you choose. I have attached a couple of screen shots of Kicka for Kids in iPad (Smallest aspect ratio) and iPhone 6 (Largest aspect ratio).
The only limit is 4 way directional controls which are grouped together. If you have them they need to all be in one of the four quadrants to stay together.
With Overscan you don't use oversize screen graphics like you do in Stretch for non scrolling games. Instead you keep your game play in the aspect area of the other device. You have to account for the dead space no matter which method you use.
Read the instructions in my signature for a more detailed description.
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
OK, i understand now.. How about if i want the cars to spawn faster the more score it has?
Well the above example I'm not even spawning them there just resetting to the top, but you could spawn the cars with a timer and just destroy them when the go off scene.
I tried creating a new actor(spawnActor), with timer "Every random(1,3)" spawn actor "Car". But it spawns more often then 1-3 seconds..
The point with the game i am making is to get to the other side of the road to not crash with the car. So it can´t be 2 cars side of each other on the road.