iAds Testing In Previewer (the fake ad box doesnt show)....WHAT am I doing wrong?
I have completed my game and am now adding the ads to the bottom of the screen......and when I test on ipad in previewer they do not show up....
I am referring to the old fake box that I thought showed up. I do get the indicator when I test on my Mac that says the display ads will show up on previewer......but not in the ipad testing previewer.
Has something changed? is there supposed to be an Ad Box show up in the tester?
I have ensured it is not on the HUD layer.... It is also ahead of all the actors in its group.
Thank you for any assistance
@theazlowes The only way to see the iAd box now is to do an adhoc test. Otherwise all you see is the notification that the iads are active.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
@theazlowes ...You could always create an actor...(320x50) and have it spawn at the bottom...put the ad behavior it that....that way when you preview you will see where the ad will be placed...also...after done testing, make that actor transparent just in case when you publish and a player doesn't have an Internet connection they don't see a white box.
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