My GameSalad Performance is slow
Hi! GameSalad has been very slow for me, like when I switch in between a scene and an atribute it takes up to 10 seconds. Is there a way to fix this? Well, I hope the GameSalad development team sees this because it would be great if they could find someway to speed up GameSalad.
PS I have started closing every single program besides GameSalad in hopes of seeing a change in performance, but no, same quality as before.
Well, thanks!
It's a known issue with the current version. A fix is being worked on. While you wait for it, this might help:
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I don't have that folder.
If you are on a mac, then you definitely have that folder.
If you can't locate it for whatever reason, you can also just save and close it every few minutes, then reopen your project. It's frustrating, but it will speed it up for a few minutes.
Did you follow the instructions precisely? It's important you look in your home folder's Library folder, not the system Library folder. It's hidden by default.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Yes, I followed the instructions exactly how you said, I went to the go menu item, then held down alt and clicked on the library thing that poped up. Then I went to caches, and I can't find the folder. I also tried to do it via terminal. But no luck, guess I just have to make due with restarting GS every few mins.
What version of GameSalad are you using? All should be making that folder in your Library folder. Very weird if it's not!
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
I have the latest one according to Its fine, I'm patient enough to wait till it gets fixed.
Thanks tho!
Try reinstalling the GS a software.
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