Table csv values disappear after save
I am trying to add tables in my game with csv values. When I import the csv the app sometimes crashes (which I was used to when using tables) but this time when I get Gamesalad not to crash it doesn't save the table data. Does anyone know what's going on? Also, this is strange because some of my tables save while others don't.. Extremely frustrating..
I'd recommend submitting a support ticket at
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@tatiang Ok, have you had this problem? | Free Stuff
No but then I don't do a lot of CSV importing.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
Although the table features are very buggy, I was able to find the problem. After numerous tries I got the tables to import into my project. However, one table did not want to import no matter what. After researching I figured out that this was due to the special characters used in the csv itself. If anyone is using special spanish characters or anything else, make sure that you save your .csv as a unicode-8 so that the special characters are recognized by GS and not turned into dashes which seemed to result in it not saving. Hope this can be a help to someone else! | Free Stuff
Thanks for letting us know.
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