Should IAPs work in AdHoc

During testing with Adhoc, I noticed when I press my button to get rid of ads, it says, "In-App Purchase Error" "Product identifier was not recognized: side_to_side_no_ads" is this normal?


  • RabidParrotRabidParrot Formally RabidParrot. Member Posts: 956

    Are you singed into an in app purchase test account? Are you using Xcode Instruments to run the app on your device?

  • AngryBoiAngryBoi Member Posts: 586

    @RabidParrot How do I do that?

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    If you've got that message, it likely means your product identifies don't match - check what you put in the game logic, and check what you put in your Apple account.

  • AngryBoiAngryBoi Member Posts: 586

    @Armelline @RabidParrot Am I doing this right? I am making a AdHoc mobile provisioning profile, and then I sign my game and put it on my device. Where would the identities have to match at?

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    The value you put in the "Buy" behaviour, the value you put in the PurchaseData table, and the value you put in the iTunes Connect IAP section.

  • RabidParrotRabidParrot Formally RabidParrot. Member Posts: 956


    Like @Armelline stated,

    Verify that your in-app purchase idenifiers all match up.

    For example, "RemoveAds" isn't the same as "removeads"

    To test in-app purchases

    If you have your in-app purchases set up corretcly, you open Xcode >Instruments> Automation. With your app already loaded on your device, go to Automation and in the top left corner there should be a iOS device drop down menu.

    Select the device you want to test. There should also be an app drop down menu. Select the app you want to test. Make sure your device is plugged in and press the "Play" button in Automation. This should load up the app on your iOS device. You can then test your in-app purchases. Again, make sure you are using an in-app purchase test account.

  • AngryBoiAngryBoi Member Posts: 586

    Ok thanks

  • AngryBoiAngryBoi Member Posts: 586

    @RabidParrot I did everything you said, but when starting the automation, it said,"the app needs to be signed with a development provisioning profile" So then I went and did that, and then resigned the game. But now I can't get the game on my device because it isn't an AdHoc distribution provisioning profile... thanks for the help

  • RabidParrotRabidParrot Formally RabidParrot. Member Posts: 956


    You should be able to install the app on the device. I've used my development certificate to test my apps on my devices. Do you have the device linked to your development provisioning profile?

  • AngryBoiAngryBoi Member Posts: 586

    Good thought. I still have to link. Thanks

  • AngryBoiAngryBoi Member Posts: 586

    Nope nevermind, that's already done

  • RabidParrotRabidParrot Formally RabidParrot. Member Posts: 956

    What is Xcode telling you when you attempt to load the app on the device?

  • AngryBoiAngryBoi Member Posts: 586

    Well since I can't put the app on the device because it wont let me with the developing provision profile... I can't try to load it. But when I used the adhoc profile to put the app on my device, it said I had to use a developing profile.

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