help with simple drag and drop game

hey folks, looking for a sharp mind to help me translate what I know from flash AS3 to gamesalad. so I'm looking to make a simple drag and drop game, think old school matching. so in AS3 I'd have objects with event listeners, when the event listener was activated by a touch it'd execute a drag script, and when let go, it'd execute a drop script. I could use a function for hit detection and kill the event listener so the original object would no longer be interactive. so...

with the help of a great member here I'm thinking i'd use an attribute (boolean) on an object. when the boolean goes true it execute a drag, and when false use a drop (constrain behavior x/y). So a mouse up and down acts as the boolean trigger. Is this the best way? part 2: how can I remove the ability for an object to be interated with when it collides with the answer space? so I can see there is a collide object, but how can I remove the interactivity permanently with the drag object? any help on this project's syntax would be great!


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