What have happened with Gamesalad, incredibly slow and buggy?
I am a casual developer that started using Gamesalad a few years back and pay for the pro version since i believe it was an easy substitution to develop smaller programs for IOS.
I use the program from time to time and download the new releases, now on 13.7 and with 10.10.2 of Yosemite.
Since about 1 year, the program have according to me become useless or should I rather say, so slow that It crashes all the time, it stops at every change of veiw and it is really buggy with information going away from fields when I just move the cursor over it also when importing .csv files it just crashes to the point that you have to be quick on the trigger to get it imported.
This is not the Gamesalad I started using and I am wondering if it is something on my machine / machines or if you guys are just trying to develop the new "thing" and not get the old one working.
I am on the point of stop being a paying customer and going into learning swift instead, not because that I do not like the product, but just since it feels like an windows "buggy" application.
Please Advice.
This is a known issue that is currently their top priority to fix. From what they've said so far, the fix is well under way and should be in a nightly build fairly soon.
I found this tip helped speed things up for me:
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
@Armelline lol...you should just be copy and paste proficient by now.
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@Armelline I will try that to see if it works, thank you for the info..
@Armelline it actually made it quicker and after an rebuild of all IOS viewer all errors with Network that come up stopped, hope that it will work now for a while..
Thanks a million...