how to put the ads
hey guys i know ive been asking alot but im about to publish my game and i need help with a few simple final things
regarding the ads.
ive made two actors, one for chartboost, revmob and one for iads. and for playhaven i did enable advertisment between scenes
but idk how to put the first actors.
do i put them randomly in scenes and make them big then send them to back? ik iads has its banner so i just put it above or bottom
but the others im confused.
For interstisial ads (Chartboost, RevMob and PlayHaven) you don´t need actors. You just check the "enable advertisement" in the "Change scene" behavior.
For iAd banner, you don´t need the actor to be visible on the screen. Just put the "Show Banner" behavior in the actor and it will show the ad in the right place.
Mental Donkey Games
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okay thanks. i did that, but now when it wants to go to another level. it gets stuck bc of this