Saving and loading attributes
When saving a attribute i have to save the attribute as a key. Does this key has to be uniqie from all other saved attributes, or can i save 2 different attributes in the same key?
When saving a attribute i have to save the attribute as a key. Does this key has to be uniqie from all other saved attributes, or can i save 2 different attributes in the same key?
Each key stores a single value/attribute and can be used to load that value later. To save and load multiple attributes, consider using a table.
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Can i load all attributes at same time from the First startup scene?
I have tried with table, but i didn't get it to work.. So i gave up, hah!
Did you forget to save the table perhaps?
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
I didn't understand how to load and save all levels in my game.
I have now 16 different levels. And those are also 16 different game attributes.
Start by Googling gamesalad unlock levels and click on the Videos tab to watch a tutorial.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User