How can I make sure that the last actor to spawn stays behind the first one?

Dell7730Dell7730 Member, PRO Posts: 388

Another actor spawned a second earlier, and the last actor to spawn, did it on top of the first one, how can I make it where the last to spawn stays behind?

Best Answers

  • tatiangtatiang Posts: 11,949
    Accepted Answer

    The Spawn Actor behavior has a drop-down menu that allows you to specify that the actor to be spawned is placed in front of the spawning actor, behind the spawning actor, at the front of the spawning actor's layer, or at the back of the spawning actor's layer.

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  • tatiangtatiang Posts: 11,949
    Accepted Answer

    Are you asking how to spawn to a different layer? If so, that's not possible. However, you can simulate it by having the "spawner" actor change the value of a game attribute and then having a spawner actor _in a different layer_spawn an actor when that attribute changes value.

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  • Dell7730Dell7730 Member, PRO Posts: 388

    @tatiang said:
    The Spawn Actor behavior has a drop-down menu that allows you to specify that the actor to be spawned is placed in front of the spawning actor, behind the spawning actor, at the front of the spawning actor's layer, or at the back of the spawning actor's layer.

    that I figured out, but how about letting the spawning actor behind another actor that is static in its place? like a box for example, how can I make it spawn behind that? the layer where the spawner is already behind this object but the actor being spawned still spawns on top of all layers

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