Linking to your User Reviews page for your App in the Appstore? For Rate me button
I have a Rate Me button and I don't know where to link it to so that the user would automatically land at the 'user reviews' page of my app. Also should it be http or https? Thank you
either should work
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This url takes you right next to "write a review" of your app. Just replace the id parameter with your own app id.
Ok thank you i will try it!
I tried it on an adhoc build, but somehow the link wouldn't open...
Is the game already released?
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
@JoeB make sure you don't have http in with your address. Http is on the left of it already.
@Lovejoy no but i used a released app of mine to test out the link. when i tap the 'rate me' button it won't go out of the app, tapping it does nothing, link-wise. It works when i just link it to the app page of the released app.
@AJaymz yes I don't have the http in the link itself
Are you opening the link in the embedded browser?
@RabidParrot nope not in the embedded browser..
When i link to just the app page of my already released app, it opens; when i like to the user review link of my already released app, nothing happens with the button (aside from visual and sound prompts that the button was pressed)