Plotting location on a mini map

wayback_gamerwayback_gamer USMember, PRO Posts: 124
edited April 2015 in Working with GS (Mac)


I have a game where the player is flying through space. I have a mini map that plots the players position. I represent this with a tiny green dot(4 X 4 px). I want to show a cone of light represented by a yellow triangle that turns in the direction the player is headed to essentially show the heading like other games with mini maps. Im using a 12 X 12 px actor for the cone. The problem is getting the actor to rotate and keep the tip of the triangle located at X 0 Y6 on the 12 X 12 actor right in the center of the 4 X 4 green dot. I have an actor moving behind the scene controlled by a joystick so I have the heading readily available in an integer attribute. Currently when I use a constrain on the Triangle actor Rotation, and constrain it to the heading of the controller attribute, it rotates but does not keep the tip of the triangle in the center of the green dot. I have tried different images and behaviors but had no luck. I've attached a couple of screenshots to illustrate where the problem is. Any suggestions would be appreciated!


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