Dress Up Game for Girls
I'm about to start coding a dress up game for girls but I want to make sure I don't make it harder on myself than it needs to be. I have a few hundred images ranging from hats all the way down to shoes Each image has it's own size of course. So if a game player picks an image of a necklace, not only will the current actor's image need to be changed but also it's x and y values so that it lines up perfectly with the character in the scene. Given the fact that I need to code in a few hundred images and their corresponding x and y coordinates this could end up taking a looong time. Any tips?!
So far I'm thinking if I used one actor for the shirts for example, if I have icons for every other shirt so that when the game player picks one, then the actor would need to change it's image, size/width, and x/y coordinates. So that seems pretty cumbersome. On the other hand if I create an actor for each picture and have them spawn on the screen when an icon is touched then perhaps that might be easier. I could put a constrain behavior on it's x and y coordinates so that when it spawns it sticks to those? Just thinking of ways currently.
I was looking at @Braydon_SFX tutorial on creating a basic word game but all his actors are the same size. I have the added problem of different sized png's.
Personally I would place all the images in a single PSD file. For this example let's say hats. So if you have 50 hats to choose from, put all 50 hats inside a single PSD file and place them in the exact position they need to be if they were in the game. So for ease put the head in the file too and just place each hat on the head as it would fit perfectly, then toggle it off and do the next until all hats have been place correctly.
Then toggle all the hats ON and toggle off the head. This will give you the total area needed for all the hats to be worn, then trim the image to fit giving you the exact size needed. Then toggle off all the hats and save one by one naming them as follows:
Put all the images in the project and then make an interger called game.hat & 1 single actor with a constraint rule constraining the image to an (game.hat).."hat.png"
Then you can change the attribute game.hat however you want, most likley by touch when the select it.
This will save having to control any XandY positions as the actor will always be in the same spot and the same size.
Just my 2 cents.....
@gingagaming thanks for that I'll give it a shot. That sounds like a lot less work and hassle for sure!
I'd recommend taking a look at this template by @DeepBlueApps: http://www.deepblueapps.com/dress-maker-template
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@tatiang thanks for that. This looks perfect for what I need. This combined with @gingagaming's advice about photoshop will save me tons of time. Can't wait until you guys see this. It's not just a dress up game but something added not done before.