Experienced programmer looking for projects to work on.
Hello I'm a developer with about 5 years of experience of game development. I have made several apps using using GameSalad and other SDKs. On my resume include a game made for a client that have reached top 1 spot on the Google Play store.
My portfolio is available on my website appolar.net
If you are interested in working with me, feel free to contact me at fredrik.bixo@appolar.net or contact me here on GameSalad forum.
Hello Fredrick I saw your portfolio looks great! Im thinking of starting a few projects soon I'm looking at prices from devs. Care to email your prices? erivera0874@student.elgin.edu
Looking forward to hear from you.
Thank you.
Now available for hire.
BUMP. Maybe I should point out that the new website is called appricos.com