I have used BBEnk's stretch trick for universal build, but there is one problem
Hi everyone, I have used the stretch template that BBEnk made for a universal build however there is one problem, the actors go down from the top to about halfway, they are not where they are supposed to be, it is the same in the gamesalad viewer and I have tested it on the iPhone. Anyone know why this is happening? Thankyou.
You did something wrong.
If you want to dropbox me your file I'll have a look.
I am just going to check it again now, can i just ask, do you have a template for portrait mode?
@Thor The last video and template is for Portrait.
ok thankyou, do you have to put rules in your actors as well, the ones that are actually on the scene?
All i done is... In the splash screen i have done:
Constrain attribute game.camsize to game.screen.size.height*768/game.screen.size.width
Constrain attribute game.offset to game.camsize-1024
Change attribute scene.camera.size.height to game.camsize
and in all of the other scenes i have just done the same rule which is:
Change attribute scene.camera.size.height to game.camsize
So is that all i need to do for it work?
It depends on the actor for example if you have a pause button you might want it to move up if your using portrait, I explain this in video. for game actors it just depends on your game but most likely in portrait you don't need any extra rules TESTING is key.
That looks right.