Game crashes after so many scenes
So I noticed that the game I'm creating, a platformer, crashes after going through a certain number of scenes.
IS there a limit, with Gamesalad, as to the number of scenes you can create for one game?
From what I've heard, Gamesalad doesn't reset it's memory each time you change a level, so when it reaches a certain memory, it crashes?
If so, when will this problem be fixed? I don't feel I can release my platformer as soon as I would have liked to now given this huge deterent.
Any feedback would be helfpul
IS there a limit, with Gamesalad, as to the number of scenes you can create for one game?
From what I've heard, Gamesalad doesn't reset it's memory each time you change a level, so when it reaches a certain memory, it crashes?
If so, when will this problem be fixed? I don't feel I can release my platformer as soon as I would have liked to now given this huge deterent.
Any feedback would be helfpul

The problem I see with this is not just creating longer levels and less scenes, but also, when the player loses, and starts over, it also doesn't reset it's memory, and that will be an even bigger problem with the bigger picture.
So even if you go out of your way to create less scenes, not having a reset memory within the program will still pose problems when a player loses their health or life and starts the level over.
Any feedback from GS appreciated! Keeping my hopes high that this is at the top of the list to be fixed as this seems like a priority problem
The iPhone/iPod OS does NO garbage collection on it's own - it's up to you or in this case GS to do so.
GS has to create all kinds of code to work with our images, animations, sounds and so fourth. I've done a little xcode development and it's not easy.
I'm sure that the GS folks will address these issues as they are able - and you know if creating a user friendly game engine was easy - everyone would do it.
But I know the guys at GS are working hard to remedy this issue, and I know my game will make it to the app store eventually! Buys me more time to work on my own programming issues too
I'm sure they'll get it fixed soon. I hope so! Should be number one priority!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I'm working on a game comprising of non-scrolling single screen levels. Each level is a scene. I assumed from looking at other games that that was the way most others had been developed too. Am I wrong in thinking this?
And does just having multiple scenes, regardless of what they contain, eat up noticable memory too?
Theres plenty or users with 100+ scenes. Now of course you still have to watch memory. BUt iphone4 crashes around 150mb and game salads come along way since then. You just have to worry about general memory concerns, don't be worried about the number of scenes