Chartboost, Playhaven Ads,& Rev Mob
Can anyone please answer, What are the differences between these 3? Which one is better? What will happen if I selected all 3?
Thank you
Can anyone please answer, What are the differences between these 3? Which one is better? What will happen if I selected all 3?
Thank you
RevMob is pay per impression, so you get payed every time the ad comes up. Also every time its clicked, but not for installs. You get a really small amount per impression, like fractions of a cent.
Playhaven is the same as Revmob.
Chartboost is pay per install, so the user needs to click the ad and install the game in order for you to get money, but the amount ins considerably higher that revmob/playhaven.
If you choose all three then it will choose only one when the user opens your game and it will keep using that until he opens the game again. So it will only run one ad network at random when someone opens up your app.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
So should I select all 3?
I would try each out and see which does better for you. There is no real way of telling which will do best other than trying it out in each respected market.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
@Lovejoy well its asking for a Chartboost & revmob ID so you know how I can get these?
You need to create an account with the ad providers at
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
@Lovejoy may i ask about iads?pay per impression? or? thanks.
Yes, pay per impression
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
@Lovejoy I've just made Revmod and a chartboost account. What do I do now? How can I add the ID's to my apps & start making money?
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una