Timer problems after upgrading to 0.8.8

hrsmediahrsmedia Member Posts: 522
edited November -1 in Tech Support
When loading into a scene there is now a pause for a few seconds after the loading icon has disappeared, this makes my timers off by a few seconds when initially loading the scene. If I restart the scene/level once inside it, the timers are OK.

When I published in 0.8.7, it would change scene almost instantly once the loading icon disappeared.

This also affected a boolean attribute which doesn't work when scene is initially loaded, then does work when scene is replayed.

Everything works fine when previewing in GameSalad, these problems only occur when testing on device.


  • hrsmediahrsmedia Member Posts: 522
    Anybody noticed the extra pause delay when loading?
  • NexusGameStudioNexusGameStudio Member Posts: 265
    Was just about to make a post about performance dips after the 0.88 update. I too am experiencing the extra pause when changing to resetting scene. My scenes also used to change instantly, now after the loading wheel disappears there is an extra 1-2 seconds loading before the scene shows. This is a problem because I have some titles and such that show at the start of the level and now it only shows half of it since its cut off by this extended loading.
  • hrsmediahrsmedia Member Posts: 522
    Yes this is exactly what's happening to me, it's affecting my titles/actors timings. I might try to see if I can revert back to 0.8.7
  • NexusGameStudioNexusGameStudio Member Posts: 265
    I'm hoping to hear some input from the dev's on this and hopefully a possible fix.
  • hrsmediahrsmedia Member Posts: 522
    Yes hopefully, I had to do a delay work around at the moment which is not ideal, makes the actors timing inconsistent... Please fix.
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    I'm having timers not spawn actors all the time now, it's hit and miss! How do we go back to 0.8.7?
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    Nope, my mistake... my "credits" actor was being killed off before it could spawn any other actors... nothing to do with the timers, my actor was just too big... bit of a pain but found a way around it.
  • hrsmediahrsmedia Member Posts: 522
    Gendai do I have to wait until next month's update? This is annoying, because my game is about ready to submit..
  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    i just notice the same thing in my new apps iMagicSchool,
    i want to fix a bug in the menu and i did fixed it and now i see that my other scenes that starts with time attributs rules are off,

    GS please fix this, a hole month is a lot of time with off sync timers and time attributs !
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    this is causing me some major troubles as well! PLEASE RELEASE A PATCH!!!!!
  • EastboundEastbound Member, BASIC Posts: 1,074
    I'd like a patch as well, because this is stopping me from updating!
  • hrsmediahrsmedia Member Posts: 522
    Gendai are you looking into this? An acknowledgment of this issue would be good. Should I wait to submit my game?

    I have delayed everything in the scenes by a few seconds to try and make up for this, but it still means the scenes images/engine etc. that are not already loaded into the RAM will have a slightly shorter intro at the beginning of the level.

    It seems only scenes that have the same images/engine already loaded into the RAM load without a pause. So for example when changing from level 01 to level 02 the transition is smooth because they use mostly the same images/engine.
  • synthesissynthesis Member Posts: 1,693
    @ hrs...

    If you want accurate timers...use the game.time or self.time.

    Use a time marker and then set an internal clock counter to it using a constrain or 2. It will be accurate.

    Here is a thread on this:
  • hrsmediahrsmedia Member Posts: 522
    Thanks for the suggestion, I'll see if I can implement it.
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    I am using both self.time and game.time and am having the same issues at scene load. I also have a rule that says when actor collides with other actor change game.collide to true. Then in the other actor I have a rule that says when game.collide is true do a few particles etc. and then timer (after 4 sec) change scene and it just freezes the viewer. Never had this problem before now (didn't change anything other than updating to 8.8).

  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    freezes the adhoc build too
  • NexusGameStudioNexusGameStudio Member Posts: 265
    My game is nearing completion and this has now become an issue for my game. Delaying the timers longer to compensate will not work since its only for when the scene first loads, after that I would have a super long timer. We need a fix on timers and/or the delay in which the scenes load.
  • SingleSparqSingleSparq Member Posts: 1,339
    I think I'm having the same issue too. Thought it was just me but I have an actor, on my scene, with a timer, set to move it into a position - thats all and it just sits there? Only if I use a reset scene will it work but there should be no reason to do this there are no attributes holding this timer back. Ands of course I was just about to submit too when this all happened.
  • synthesissynthesis Member Posts: 1,693
    Try using a scene load controller...with a single timer...
    This controller should be the lowest actor on the lowest layer in the scene.

    Then have a .25 second delay timer...which throws a boolean switch to true that the scene is loaded...
    Then when the scene is loaded...have all your other actors turn on...this way all your timers will fire on the same switch...not as they load.
  • SingleSparqSingleSparq Member Posts: 1,339
    Thanks - but didn't make a difference - doesn't like the timers, trying your game time method as I used it on a ship and that works still.
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    After checking, yes... I am having the same issues. I Have "LEVEL ONE" that is supposed to pop up for 3 seconds before changing to "GET READY", now what's happening is the "LEVEL ONE" is only appearing for a split second. This is VERY annoying and has put my whole project on hold until Gendai can sort it. I WAS PLANNING TO SUBMIT TONIGHT AND I'M VERY PISSED OFF!!! Do they not test their updates?!?!?!?!?!
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    I should add, all of my enemies are spawned with timers... this has thrown a massive spanner in the works. Is there any way to go back to 0.8.7?!?!?!?!
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    hrsmedia said:

    Everything works fine when previewing in GameSalad, these problems only occur when testing on device.

    I'm having the problems in GameSalad too! Not just device.
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    I have decided not to work on timer workarounds for a little while. This is unacceptable and I have faith that gendai will also see it as unacceptable and fix it with a patch (hopefully soon). So now I am just getting the rest of my game polished up. The frustrating thing is that I am so close to being done after months of work. But I'll keep the faith for a little longer...
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    I just built my game for mac and ran it... seems fine... timers are off inside GS but not in the Mac binary... odd... will try iPod Touch version soon.
  • NexusGameStudioNexusGameStudio Member Posts: 265
    My timers/ scenes are only delayed when viewing on the iphone, runs smooth on the Mac viewer.
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    Odd. They are screwed in my viewer (not the iphone viewer, just GS) but fine in standalone binary. Have you tried a separate ad-hoc build or have you been testing on device with the iPhone viewer (if that can be done - can in Unity - I haven't installed the GS viewer yet)?
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    Just checked my ad-hoc build... the problem is there too... I'm only running an iPod touch G2 though so hopefully it isn't as bad on a 3GS...
  • design219design219 Member Posts: 2,273
    Geez. I want to update to 8.8. But no way until I hear all these new issues are addressed. I'm sure they are well aware of them, but I would sure like to see a yellow box with a statement to that effect.


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  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    design219 said:
    Geez. I want to update to 8.8. But no way until I hear all these new issues are addressed. I'm sure they are well aware of them, but I would sure like to see a yellow box with a statement to that effect.

    Yes, that would be nice! It's not a small issue!
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