Can i sell my game ? :D
i created platform game before a few months ..
i wanted to publish it on apple store but when i finished
i found that it need more works
so i canceled my project . but am so sad for that hours i spend to create my game
any suggestion what to do .. can i sell my game or something ?
Thank you
They don't let us sell our games on the forums unfortunately. You could turn it into a template and sell it in the marketplace.
@BazookaTime is Correct. The best luck you'd have is to either,
(1) Make it a template and sell on the marketplace
(2) Finish it and publish to the app store
If you release on iOS you can sell on Apptopia or similar. If you're good at this you can make decent money especially if you sell that it doesn't require coding experience for upkeep. I know a few people making a decent living doing this.
Thank you so much .