Gamesalad just deleted all my images be careful.
So I'm still working on converting my game over to FireTV and it started getting slow again so I tried to save so I could start over and GS got stuck for a second after trying to change from Actor screen to Scenes and this happened.
This was 13.7 "Stable lol". but I had just uploaded a test to GS so I'm good but dang that sucked.
Edit it deleted all 1300 images just checked the folder.
Definitely submit a bug report. Also, are you working on a file without backup copies? Yikes! Glad you had an uploaded version to restore to.
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@tatiang said:
I have backups but I had just made some changes and saved but not a new version, I don't make backup's every time I make a change "maybe I should" but I'm good. I do have a My Passport keeping everything.
Hey @BBEnk,
I have had this happen to me a lot of times. What I do that should work for you (this is for mac) is on a previous project version right click on the file and select "show package contents" You will see a folder named "images". This is where all your images are saved for you project. Now open a new finder window and go to your project that has the missing images. Right click on the project and select "show package contents". Select the "images" folder. Copy all images from the first image folder from the old project and paste them into the new project image folder.
Make sure you copy and paste the images, don't move them as then your old saved project won't have them any more.
Also, if that doesn't work quite right, you can always go to the images tab in the project and re-add all the images. It will most likely say that the images already exist.Do you want to rename or replace? Just select replace.
After you do this all images will be back. No need to go back to an older version and redo everything you just did.
I think the bag has to do with doing a save as and renaming the new file. The new file you just renamed loses its images sometimes. Hope that helps and helps others. Think I'm gonna make a video to help others if they come across this issue as I have encountered this issue for the past couple years.