Any ideas about how to respond to this?
I've just had this from a potential customer:
I’d really like to purchase your app but was wondering why you needed the permission to allow you to use my device ID and call info?
Thank you
I think it's a fair enough question, trouble is I'm not sure of how to respond.
Any ideas anyone?
That's pretty much impossible to figure out without knowing what your app does.
Of course, that gives you an excuse to tell us what your app is and describe what it does in detail.
(Tricky promotion style +1) (Android) | (Android) | (Android)
These permissions are added by Gamesalad and I'm not sure how to tell him I've no idea why they are being gathered or how they are being utilised.
I feel a bit annoyed that they are not disabled for pro users, it's very unprofessional when you have to explain to potential customers that you have no idea!
Since the app was made using GameSalad, it must be published in accordance with the privacy policy:
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@tatiang Thanks for the link.
It's a shame that GameSalad can't gather those metrics from the free version only.
It's probably enough to put off my potential customer.
I just wonder how many more have been put off that have not made the effort to contact me.
it's on the roadmap, hopefully it comes out this year
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@jonmulcahy Brilliant...I hope so too!
@strag Tell him that the spirit world needs those details, there is no running away from it.
Kinda spooky when you see what they app is and then what info it gathers.
Edit: Im gonna tag @Photics just cause.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
What is this? Is this an app on the Google Play store? Since when do apps created with GS read the contents of or modify a USB storage device? Apple doesn't show information like this. I'm confused.
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Hmm... me too after seeing that screenshot.
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I believe "read the contents of or modify a USB storage" means that your game needs permission to use the save function, like if you're saving an attribute or a table. (Android) | (Android) | (Android)
Ok...and so with GS creator not having any functions to create photos or media....they still have access to it as well as viewing the full network connections? Wifi connections?
I wouldn't imagine there being a need...but...however....when I see these small phrases with no can easily put together a very sneaky conspiracy that...when I make a game...even when testing via adhoc....and being on a secured wifi my device is logged well as my wife's business computer...which is logged in via a secure password...via wifi (full network access)....that they would have the capability to know there is a computer, iPad, Galaxy iPhone...3 direct TVs? Know what files and media are on my USB storage device I have hooked up to my network...and when I use them? Just asking....we already now learned today they are watching how many times we click templates....where we go and probably at this point are able to log and view every single thing I do within the creator and forums....even if I am sending a "private" message to someone.
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@dgackey may be able to shed some light on all of this
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@Thunder_Child Yes it's a grab from the Google Play store.
@Lovejoy Ha ha...good idea!
We understand your concerns, and want to assure you that the app permissions we collect are necessary for the operation of our games. But as developers we never want you to feel like we’re standing in the way of answering a client’s questions.
We’ll walk you through what’s collected and why so you can feel confident in using GameSalad for all your projects. First though, understand that Google groups a broad spectrum of permissions in each bucket they inform the user about. We’re using very narrow elements of what’s available, and we’re happy to pull back the curtain and explain what’s accessed and why.
This is required to write temporary data and save games to any memory phone storage device, whether USB or internal SD card. This requirement changed slightly in Android kit kat 4.4, but we still need it to support older versions.
We use this to anonymously capture unique users, and associate them with device information such as model and OS. This is used to plan our support and development strategy. We can’t identify users by their ID’s, as they’re stored hashed, and we don’t collect use the data for anything else.
WIFI CONNECTION INFORMATION/OTHER - android.permission.INTERNET, android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE, android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
These are required to support features like ad networks, OpenURL, networks, leaderboards, social and other features. Used only to establish internet connection and nothing else.
This is required to support In App Purchase behaviors using the Google billing system. We’re not able to effect any kind of purchase or transaction without the user’s approval.
And that’s the simple explanation. In short, the permissions don't have anything to do with PRO vs Free users; they are literally only what is needed to build and deploy GS games.
Hope this helps put your and your client’s minds at ease. Permissions and privacy are important to maintain, and we’re glad to be able to offer you help when you need it.
Dan Magaha · COO · GameSalad, Inc ·
@dgackey Thanks for taking the time to explain, makes more sense now.
I can also copy and paste from your response if I get any further inquiries in the future.